Celebrating Solutions to Vulnerable and Disadvantaged Children’s Problems
The Listen campaign is a unique, annual and global star-studded campaign, that will illuminate the problems faced by the world’s one billion vulnerable and severely disadvantaged children and will celebrate projects already providing much-needed solutions. At the heart of the campaign are children telling their own stories.
The annual global media campaign will use a unique platform combining new, traditional and social media, and the creativity of major stars and artists to build a worldwide community of supporters. It will involve 80 stars and artists known internationally and 20 from each of India, Africa and Latin America.
The campaign will pay special attention to children who suffer from the scourges of poverty, disease, pollution, climate change, war & conflict, exploitation and racism. It will provide, grants, loans and investments to children's charity projects and social enterprises that provide scalable and replicable solutions. In its first year, Listen will focus on 75 projects from the world’s top children’s charities that collectively address 10 of the UNSDG’s.

In addition to 52 weeks per year of online and social media content, Listen will have broadcasts and media partners in more than 60 countries providing $4 billion in media exposure in a decade. This exposure will consist of news, promotions, documentary series and features focused on children’s stories, art, literature and music. Children will talk in safety and with dignity about the problems they face and celebrate projects that have helped them. Listen will also include a Global Fundraising Broadcast called “Listen Live Plus”, customized to different audiences around the world and designed to reach 500 million people in over 60 countries. ABC will air the broadcast in the U.S, Zee TV in India and other broadcasters in Africa, MENA, Latin America and Europe.
The Campaign will be Carbon Neutral and will start with the launch of the Listen Collectibles Auction and Shop in January 2022.
Listen’s media output is expected to increase the exposure of vulnerable and disadvantaged children’s problems and the projects that help them, by more than 200%. It is an unprecedented initiative led by legendary producer Tony Hollingsworth who produced nine of the largest broadcast events in history, each reaching a broadcast audience of 500 million people, and was behind some of the most historic global issue campaigns including the “Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute” and “The Wall Live in Berlin”